The Farm in Motion

Sheep grazing on my pasture

I have been busy on the farm with little time to write a blog. All is going well. I have almost gotten the new terraces completed to keep the soil from eroding around the shelter for the horses. Since our pens and shelters are build on the hillside and the pasture is flat, there is…… Continue reading The Farm in Motion

Be Brave in Your Decision to Raise Sheep

People have different reasons for wanting to raise sheep. Some people I have spoken with about purchasing sheep, just love to have cute lambs around during the year, but do not want to raise sheep as an income, the sheep are pets. There are the serious sheep farmers, such as myself, that in our genetic…… Continue reading Be Brave in Your Decision to Raise Sheep

A Few Secrets to a Positive Income Raising Sheep

Some raise or keep sheep as pets, an animal to feed and care for with the reward of a friendly companion. There is no intention of making money or profit from having the sheep. There are others who raise sheep for profit and enjoy working and being with the sheep. Still, there are some who…… Continue reading A Few Secrets to a Positive Income Raising Sheep

Drought and Profit

Photo by Pixabay on

I started raising sheep as a source of additional income. In order for any business adventure to make a profit the expenses have to be less than the amount from sales or services. This year with the drought, I have had to watch the expenses very closely. But each year, drought or no drought, I…… Continue reading Drought and Profit

A Little Relief

Photo by Boys in Bristol Photography on

This year I experienced a hot year on the farm. Most days were above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The lack of rain turned my pasture to dry soil with parched grass stubble standing. The weeds were not even growing. I stopped letting the sheep graze the pasture in May. With the heat, and not much green…… Continue reading A Little Relief

Sheep Farmer Success

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

For Bloganuary Day #11 the prompt is “How do you define success.” Success is defined by the person. Each individual has their own definition for success. Some want a large amount of money at their disposal to purchase and life the way they desire. Others want recognition or fame. When I made the decision to…… Continue reading Sheep Farmer Success