Before a New Year

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The year 2022 is coming to a close, in four days we will begin the year 2023. As a sheep farmer, I am starting to think on the financial and quality of my sheep business. I am a sheep farmer, my sheep farm is a business. It is time to start creating the 2023 Business…… Continue reading Before a New Year

The Beginning of the Sheep Journey

Today, I went through my flock to take an inventory, assessing their body condition, timing of lambing and how the lambs were growing. Today, all my sheep look like and most are registered Dorper sheep. That is not how this journey of raising sheep started. There have only been a twice I have owned sheep.…… Continue reading The Beginning of the Sheep Journey

An “Old Friend” Came to Visit

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This chilling morning I observed the arrival of an “Old Friend” whom I have named “The Flicker”. When I first moved to this place, Texas birds were unknown. I mistakenly identified this bird as a Northern Flicker, its true identity is a Yellow Bellied Sappsucker. “The Flicker” shows up every fall for a few weeks,…… Continue reading An “Old Friend” Came to Visit

Maintaining Quality in Your Sheep

Making a profit raising sheep is the main focus, but maintaining or improving your quality of sheep will maintain or increase the value of your sheep, creating more profit. Being objective when looking at your flock and selecting replacement ewes is vital. You can not look at a sheep as that sheep is my favorite,…… Continue reading Maintaining Quality in Your Sheep

Marketing Strategy

Every sheep farm needs a marketing strategy. As a sheep farmer what are your dreams and goals for your sheep farm? Do you enjoy the breed of sheep you are raising? What I mean by enjoy the breed of sheep you are raising, the products your sheep produce, do you use them? or are you…… Continue reading Marketing Strategy