Update on January Happenings

January has been a busy month. I transferred to another grocery store and started working forty hours a week. Working more hours has brought forth a few challenges in time management. Fortunately, since my husband still has not been able to find employment, he is doing most of the feeding chores. We schedule foot trimmings…… Continue reading Update on January Happenings

Headed for a Cold Spell

One of the biggest uncontrollable and sometimes unknown effects of being a sheep farmer is the weather. A person can not plan months ahead on what tasks to complete or even when to have lambs be born in the sunshine, due to the weather. January is usually mild weather month for our area. We do get…… Continue reading Headed for a Cold Spell

Social Media

Photo by Jessica Lewis ud83eudd8b thepaintedsquare on Pexels.com

The year 2023 was such a roller coaster for me, for us and for the farm. This year, I am venturing out into areas unknown. Maybe not totally unknown, but with very little experience, translating to a large learning curve. My husband was laid off in November 2023. He is eligible for social security, the…… Continue reading Social Media

What Could I do Differently?

Another writing prompt for Bloganuary is “What could you do differently?” The first thought I have as a sheep farmer is if I could go back to when I started would be to cull differently. I did not have money to go and purchase really nice, registered Dorper ewes from another sheep farmer. I started…… Continue reading What Could I do Differently?

2023 Reflections

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels.com

With the coming of a New Year I always reflect on the year. This year was like a rollercoaster ride, ups, downs and some wild twists. Each year brings a few surprises and this year was not different. I started working a job not associated with the sheep farm in order to bring in a…… Continue reading 2023 Reflections

Educating Yourself

Photo by Andrew Neel on Pexels.com

Our world and the process of gaining information has drastically changed this century. We can use our cell phones as mini computers, to search and gather information on any subject. Being a sheep farmer, I am able to use a cell phone to compare pictures from the internet to what might be wrong with my…… Continue reading Educating Yourself

Try and Try Again

Photo by Jana Al Mubaslat on Pexels.com

I am headed for a new adventure. Due to the circumstances of my husband being laid off November 2023, and the need to increase the income in our budget, we are trying some new things. Baby boomers using technology to increase income. One stereotype I really dislike is when people say Baby Boomers do not…… Continue reading Try and Try Again


Change is always happening. One of my husband’s favorite says is, “If you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards.” The year 2023 was full of changes. First major change was having the grandchildren live with us for four months. Arriving at the same time as the sheep show we faced many challenges and…… Continue reading Change

Approaching a New Year

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

For me, the time between Christmas celebration and the New Year is the time to reflect. I look at how the sheep farming has done with income and how the flock has performed. To spot errors and make improvements and changes to increase both the income and the size of the flock. This year is…… Continue reading Approaching a New Year